classical oems are an integral art ofchinese culture. theoems have beenmemorized, savoured and handed downfrom onegeneration to the next. famouslines are quoted frequently in bothdaily lifeconversations and official seeches.
shi and ci, though both classical chineseoems, are different inmany ways. thinvolnmo fon ci. some of the mostwel-known ci oems,mostly from the songdynasty (960-1279), are sented inthisbook.
the unique bilingual format catures thecadenceand the sirit of each oem. thehanyu inyin to all chinesecharactersmakes it ossible for eole who cannotread chineselanguage can also areciatethe oems. the author exlains theoemsin such a way that you will find readingclassical chineseoems can be easy andfun. enjoy the book!
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