雷?最杰出的贡献是..we are honored and hay to bring this classic arithmetic byjoseh ray. these oular books sold more than any other arithmeticin america, in fact over 120 million coies and are still used inmodern american schools and families. as you can see, this set ofarithmetic textbooks is organized in an orderly manner around thedisciline of arithmetic itself.
ray emhasized critical thinking in his classroom. he believed thathis students needed to learn how to aly what they learned toreal-life situations. rather than giving his uils simle roblemsto solve, he referred word roblems. students can increase theirreading comrehension skills, and learn to think.this book includeshilosohical understandings; rinciles and roerties of numbers;and advanced study of common and decimal fractions, measurements,ratio, roortion, ercentage, owers and roots, series, businessmath, and geometry. it has challenging work for advanced studentsand basic work for slower students and can be used for grades 7 and8, as well as for high school.
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